NYPL Lion in Summer Bookmark
Price: $ 18.00
Member Price: $ 16.20
This product is currently sold out.

The marble lions that stand proudly before the Library's majestic Beaux-Arts building at Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street in Manhattan have welcomed New Yorkers and visitors from all over the world year-round since the Library was dedicated on May 23, 1911. Summer finds the lions basking in the sun and providing a perch for NYC's feathered citizenry. Mark your place with one of these stately felines.
Also available in Fall, Winter, and Spring.
Exclusive to NYPL
Designed by: David Howell
Made in: USA
Product: Bookmark
Material: Solid brass, electro-plated with non-tarnishing silver finish
Dim: 2.75'' x 1½''
Item Number: BKC105-A