Mindfulness on the Go

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Mindfulness on the Go - The New York Public Library Shop
Mindfulness on the Go - The New York Public Library Shop

If you’ve heard about the many benefits of mindfulness practice but think you don’t have time for it in your busy life, prepare to be proven delightfully wrong. Mindfulness is available every moment, including right now, as Zen teacher Jan Chozen Bays shows with these twenty-five mindfulness exercises that can be done anywhere. Use them to cultivate the gratitude and insight that come from paying attention with body, heart, and mind to life’s many small moments.

Type: Paperback

Pages: 226

Dim: 4.5'' x 3'' x .75''

Item Number:  9781611801705

Mindfulness on the Go - The New York Public Library Shop
Mindfulness on the Go - The New York Public Library Shop